Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Enchanted Nature Park

Glover Park, located 2.8 kilometres north of Union Bay on Vancouver Island, presents you with a wide footpath through a coastal forest in transition.

During our house and pet sit gig from April 22 to May 13, 2019, we had the daily pleasure of taking Alex, our walking companion, on several excursions through the captivating nature park. 

Frank and Alex in the woods

Our homeowners granted us permission to use their truck to transport Alex to a variety of trails in the area. 

Glover Park and its wonderments became our favourite. 

Sitting on nearly every tree, tree trunk, fallen log, or imaginative surface are variations on a fairy theme. Fairies with translucent wings, frogs, dogs, and all of the seven dwarfs. There were many tiny homes, cleverly crafted to fit nearly invisible in their hidden settlements.

When we first spotted a ceramic mushroom sitting on a log, we stopped and turned in every direction to admire all the treasures that hikers had placed along the side of the path. There were no intrusive footprints disrupting the forest floor almost as though it had been the fairies themselves who placed the precious ornaments. 

Our life as house and pet sitters brings us to many locations. Union Bay is a hidden treasure.