Thursday, November 10, 2016

Questions to Ask to Promote a Happy House Sit

     Tell us about garbage pickup, recycling and composting in your area.

“Every second Tuesday is garbage pickup and you set out the black container. You use the black bags for garbage. Every other Tuesday, you set out the recycling stuff and that goes in the blue container. You use blue bags for that. Also, you set out the compostable stuff with the recyclable things but you have them in a separate white bag.”

“Oh, we don’t have garbage pickup out here. Just burn it. You can put the returnable bottles and stuff in the back of the car port.”

“Please put the compost material in the compost bin in the garden. I’ll deal with it when I get home.”

Learn about the neighbourhood garbage cycles

Tell us about your neighbours.

“You may not have much luck with the guy in that house. Last year, his dogs attacked ours and he blamed us for not building a proper fence. Since then, we’ve put up a double fence which has prevented any more problems.”

“The neighbours below us are great and know everything about the dogs. They have a key to our house. I’ve written their phone number on the routine document we prepared for you.”

“The neighbours next door were aggressive toward my husband while we were building this house. You should just ignore him.”

Learn about the neighbours

Please let us know about any medications you give your pets.

“We’ve prepared a card for you showing who gets what, how much and when.”

“Oh, we didn’t write anything down. We’ll explain it to you when you get here.”

“Clem has a half dose of meloxicam each morning for arthritis. Give it to him in a small one inch long piece of banana. Bella also gets a half dose of meloxicam each morning for arthritis. It also goes in a small piece of banana. In her piece of banana, Bella also gets a half dose of methocarbamol muscle relaxant.”

Learn about the pet's medications

    Happy house and pet sitting.